Threads of Blood & Silk - Chapters 1-3
1 I pulled back from the encompassing safety of Jared’s embrace long enough to see his perplexing stare. There was a burning need that lingered in his eyes. It was a penetrating expression that desired answers that only I could give. Instincts that were not my own had pushed me to give Serena a proper send off. Lacking in hesitation, I had shoved my hands into an open flame without so much as a singed hair, so of course he would be suspicious as to why. Hell, according to him I bore the markings of an Azulyrian Queen, so if I had to guess, becoming a temporary wielder of her powers was a benefit that came along with the new fancy job title. Just great, more mayhem to deal with on top of everything else piling up. I know that I shouldn’t complain about the extra responsibility, but I’m not infallible. Even a badass like me can get overwhelmed when added complications get thrown into the mix. “How did this happen? I thought her Radiance’s powers were still locked within that necklace that you have,” he asked with a confounded look skewed in place. “I have no clue Jared. One minute I am kneeling a safe distance away, and the next, I’m walking towards the pyre. And to be clear, I didn’t want to.” It was like my entire body had been hijacked and I was just along for the ride. Yeah, one refund please. I didn’t ask to become anyone’s puppet. “The probability of her powers emerging like this on their own is slim. Ivyssa wouldn’t have made a miscalculation like that. Something you did or said must have triggered the release.” I’m not sure if I should be insulted by that implication. “I didn’t say a word, nor did I move a muscle. You were so focused on laying Serena to rest. I didn’t want to accidently distract you in any way.” “Well, were you thinking about anything significant that might have caused this type of reaction.” His delving was starting to become frantic. “Jared, stop! You’re going to drive yourself crazy if you don’t calm down,” I pleaded with concern. Hysterics would only make unraveling the source of my sudden “magical upgrade” more difficult. “I’m sorry, having to come face to face with such a concrete reminder of the past˗˗˗it’s earth shattering. The possible reality of seeing Azulyria again feels even more attainable to me, and not some fool’s dream in the making.” His optimism was admirable. “Don’t sweat it. I would be anxious too. There is a real chance that you might get to see the rest of your family again, so your enthusiasm is to be expected.” “The Goddess must be smiling down on me, because I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you in my life.” A lively timbre entered his voice. I felt the same way. “Well, there are certain skill sets that you possess that I find especially pleasing to partake in,” I taunted with an amorous lilt. Using my womanly charms would hopefully chase away Jared’s melancholy frown. “I could accuse you of being insensitive. I won’t though. That isn’t you. Your seductive posturing is more than welcome, even as a distraction. Just let me finish what I have started.” “Okay. Whatever needs to be done comes first. I can wait over here, and will try not to interfere this time.” I watched as Jared stepped away, back to the pit where Serena’s remains sat in neat piles. On his way he retrieved the previously discarded shovel, and covered her ashes with layers of dirt. Whether or not he could sense it or not, this mutual experience had strengthened the bond that we had created. In the beginning death had brought us together. Instead of tearing us apart, a connection was forged˗˗˗an unbreakable thread. 2 Thankfully there wasn’t a repeat performance involving me and sticking my nose in where it didn’t really belong. I don’t think Jared would have been as forgiving. Although given the nature of my previous stunt, I’m sure he would let it go. Ivyssa’s powers had a mind of their own. Serena’s burial was carried out in woeful silence. As the final layer of dirt was leveled, Jared held his hands over the filled in pit. Glowing bolts of light flew from his fingertips, the crackling beams of energy sinking into the earth. The ground shuddered as if stuck by a miniature earthquake. The uneven seams that bordered Serena’s grave became smooth, perfectly blending with the surrounding area. From the center of the site, a mound of prickly pear cacti pushed up through the ground. Red bulbous orbs tipped each needle coated pad. In death Serena became a source of life, a catalyst to a new cycle of growth. Any evidence that a body had been cremated and buried was nonexistent. Her memory would live on within the confines of Jared’s heart, and by completing the mission that she and Erika started. Even if it’s the last thing we do. I was fairly certain that it was safe to approach. Jared stood with a relaxed curve to his stance, a slight tilt of his head forming as I drew closer. “What should we do now?” I asked without a definitive plan in mind. Speaking with Serena had been my trump card thus far, and without her, I was wary of what path to take next. Compared to my otherwise decisive knack for uncovering what others wished to hide, I was embarrassed to admit that I wanted to tread lightly. “For starters, if she imitated your sister in any way, then maybe she too kept a record of her findings. It’s a lead worth pursuing. We should take a more thorough look in her work room,” Jared stated in an objective manner. “Are you sure that you want to go rooting around in there so soon after . . .” I let my unspoken worry drift freely. “Yes.” Fierce resolve shone brightly amongst the stormy pools of ice that pierced my very soul like a knife. Hand in hand, we retraced the path that led us back to Serena’s front door, now fully propped open from previous entry. We were met by the same scattered mess as before, only now the full weight of its savagery took on a whole new level of cruelty. Jared paused in mid stride as we came upon the second entryway that opened up into her work room. Walls the color of a chirping canary greeted us as before, the sunny hue a severe contrast to the malicious act that took place here a short time ago. “We don’t have to do this right now. We can come back tomorrow if it would be easier.” I tried to sound reassuring. “I can handle it, let’s go,” he barked with a bitter edge. I wanted to rebuke at his nasty attitude, but I held my tongue. Coping with Erika’s death turned me into a raving bitch, so I understood the seething anger that he felt. 3 You could still see the bloodstains darkening the floor near Serena’s desk. The scraps of rope that were used to bind her, they lay in a braided heap after being severed. Frayed edges tangled together like limp noodles that had cooked for too long. Jared stood behind the chair that served as the place where his sister had spent her final moments. His hands shook with anger as he reached out to stroke the upholstered back panel. “The animal that did this will pay for their crimes,” he pledged with firm resolution. I almost pitied the monster that would be at the receiving end of Jared’s vengeance. Then the thought was erased as quickly as it surfaced. This same monster most likely killed Erika as well. Wicked murderers don’t deserve pity, or mercy whatsoever. They could rot in hell for all I cared. “We’ll get them Jared. You can count on that.” I spoke assuredly. It was my vow. Grave dishonors had been committed, so there was no escaping our wrath. I pulled open filing cabinets with the intent of flipping through every folder and shred of paper I could get my hands on. Jared took on the bitter task of pilfering through Serena’s desk. I had offered, but he insisted that as her brother, it was his responsibility. His ability to separate business from personal grievance had to be commended. Still, it couldn’t have been easy for him. “Any luck yet?” I asked from across the study. So far I wasn’t fairing very well. All I was able to decipher was that before her death, Serena seemed to really be into Art Nouveau style prints. Half of the folders I had went through contained small scale versions of several, along with sales receipts for the originals. Funny, I didn’t see any of these hanging anywhere in her house. Either she keeps them in some hidden vault, or she had a secondary location where they were stored. Was that little detail pertinent˗˗˗maybe? Or my observation could be totally worthless. Thievery of art didn’t really fit into the story. Torture for the sake of collecting information, this was the travesty in motion. Pretty little pictures were of no value. “It looks like Serena had a flair for collecting art prints I see. Is there a reason why none of these Art Nouveau pieces are displayed, or that I can’t find any trace of them anywhere in the house? I asked. “She has an office in San Antonio where she kept all of her acquisitions.” Jared replied as if it was common knowledge. “Why there?” “She was the curator of one of their galleries down there.” That would explain the numerous trips to San Antonio that I found in Erika’s travel records. She was visiting her girlfriend. So besides running a museum, it would seem that Serena was also quite an avid reader, if the four full bookcases were any judge. Her vast assortment ranged from Crime Thrillers, to Science Fiction, and texts on Philosophy. There was a sprinkling of just about every topic imaginable. I started from one end, working from top to bottom. Fanning through what had to be five hundred books or more, my eyes carefully scanned through several pages at a time. Damn it. I had barely gone through one entire bookcase, and already I could feel the stirrings of a hand cramp beginning to form. The dull tightening of my wrists was slowing my progress. With nothing of value discovered in Serena’s desk, Jared came over to join me in hunting for clues in the remaining shelves. He began yanking books from the opposite end that I was working from. Another set of hands would speed up the search. “Oh thank goodness. I didn’t think I would make it through all of these.” I already had two paper cuts, and that hand cramp that I felt coming on, was in full blown hindrance mode. My joints were achy from the extensive use. “Don’t start whining just yet. Save it for later when, if by some chance we still come up empty-handed after we are done.” Forget my hands. With that outcome, I would holler in frustration. I was fairly certain that I was covered from head to toe in a fine layer of dust. She may have been a prolific reader, but a habitual cleaning ethic was not a trait that she possessed. Serena’s collection was well worn, yet not even a smidge of dust here and there detracted from how impressive it was. After tirelessly picking at each shelf, we met in the middle of the stacks. Jared reached high for a thick volume on Anatomy, when a much thinner document fell to the floor. The compact dimensions implied that perhaps it was meant to be carried around in a purse or small travel bag. Lacking in ornamentation, the simple cover didn’t betray its purpose. Set against a leather exterior, the spine was hole-punched at half inch intervals. And threaded through each puncture were silken ribbons that crisscrossed like a shoelace. To me, the unusual binding gave me the impression that perhaps our find was handmade. Jared held onto the book like it was a precious treasure. His eyes glittered with familiarity. “Are you going to let me in on the secret, or would you two like to be alone?” I may have come off as a little extra sardonic, but damn it, I wanted to skip to the part where we actually peer inside. “I have a book just like this one. Serena had made it for me as a Christmas gift.” His mind seemed preoccupied with a memory that resonated deeply to his heart. A muffled sigh slipped out as he flipped open the narrow cover.